Today: 9:00AM - 7:00PM
Jun 9, 2017

Packing Tips For The Indecisive

So this weekend my friends and I going on my first road trip of the season! We are super excited to get going and have a little adventure now that the sun is out and the breeze is warm. Now, this isn’t the first time we’ve gone on an adventure, but I am a notoriously indecisive packer. I don’t know what I’m going to need! What if I need something and I didn’t remember to pack it?! I am someone who desperately needs to know that I am prepared for any situation. This, unfortunately, translates to I end up having an unreasonable number of bags for a 3-day adventure.

This time around I have enlisted the help of 2 of my friends to help me pack the essentials. The trouble is, everything seems to be essential to me. I blame my mother for signing me up for the girl scouts. As far as I can tell, that’s the root of my need to be prepared for any situation. Anyway, I have been limited to a small duffle bag and 1 backpack! THAT’S IT! How am I supposed to pack everything we need in 2 dinky little bags?! It’s just not possible. Or so I thought!

Upon arrival, my friends handed me a list of the things that they consider “essentials”. It immediately became apparent that our ideas of “essential” are very different. Below is the list of top 10 essential road trip supplies:

  1. Water bottle- Hydration is no joke friends. If you want to adventure you need to do it right!
  2. Snacks- Duh. Is it even really a road trip if you aren’t eating food that completely destroys you 2-week healthy eating streak? I didn’t think so!
  3. Music – Spotify, iTunes, CD, Sirius Radio, does not matter the media platform, music is essential to the road trip experience and FORTUNATELY does not take up space, so you can bring as much as you want. Unless it’s CDs, then you are limited to 3.
  4. Plastic bag- With all the snacks you’ll be eating
  5. GPS- Everyone has phones or even cars like the incredible 2017 Kia Sorento which has navigation technology built in, but let’s be real. Things happen, sometimes you forget your car charger, or drive a vehicle that isn’t quite that advanced and then your phone dies and NOW YOU CAN’T GET HOME. So have a backup plan.
  6. Car Charger- Yah, don’t forget that.
  7. Pillows- Perhaps your car isn’t as plush as the 2017 Kia Sportage and you need a little extra cushion to make your ride more comfortable. Pillows will be your best friend.
  8. Blankets – Not all cars have individual climate control like the 2017 Kia Soul EV, so you may need a blanket or two to keep you warm when that 1 friend DEMANDS that the be meat locker cold at all times.
  9. 2 changes of daytime clothes, 1 pair of pjs, Sweatshirt, toiletries (This only applies if you are going on an overnight adventure. If you aren’t, this MIGHT be overkill.)
  10. Tissues- I always forget how important they are, but as it is allergy season, it’s best to keep them in the car at all times!

Hopefully, this list was helpful to my fellow indecisive packers. You don’t need to bring EVERYTHING to be prepared, just make sure you bring the essentials. If all else fails, you’ll be with your friends, and that’s all that really matters.