Today: Closed
Oct 26, 2016

If you’re an avid Kia lover, but would like to see some more hybrid and electric vehicle options in their lineup, DELLA Kia has some great news! While you may be enjoying the Optima Hybrid, Soul EV, or looking forward to the 2017 Kia Niro, we’ve gotten word that Kia has some major plans for alternative-fuel vehicles over the next few years. Kia Europe CEO, Michael Cole, has revealed that Kia will be releasing at least 14 new alternative powertrain models, including a fuel cell model, by the year 2020 all over the world.

We’ll have all the details and updates right here on the DELLA Kia blog, so keep checking back here for more information.

Allen, James. “Hybrid Kias Are Set To Take Over The World.” CarBuzz. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2016. <>.